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… just ignore me…

No Representation without Education!

A suggestion that the European Union gets its kaka together (or reform, as it’s quaintly known) and deal with its simplest problem first:
Making the names of the institutions reflect their actual functions.

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Britain Must Re-Apply For EU Membership

Rather than waiting for the British people to vote on whether they want to continue their membership of the EU, the Commission has drawn up a list of criteria that the UK must adopt should they wish to remain a member…

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Fifth Columnists

Guardian ‘journalist’ Suzanne Moore claims to be one of the thirty percent who are undecided. I’m more concerned that the thirty percent are uninformed, and that articles like hers will keep it that way.

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Community and Freedom

Due to the development of the Internet, we are able to develop on a personal level like never before, influenced in our turn by the unprecedented access to knowledge that is just, as is the modern argot, a click away.

And if you believe any of that, you are a bellend.

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The Last Post (until the new ones)

Way back in 2013 something happened in my life - the end of happenings in a friend's - that shut down my Interdoodlings. Having just fired 'em all back up again, I found the draft of this post and thunk about what I was going on about. It turns out that my rantings...

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