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An Economy of (un)Truth : 1

Eyes wide shut What I find really difficult to get my head around, is why, after years of watching the biggest and slowest car-crash that is the international banking ‘industry’, I and the rest of the smart-arses didn’t say or do anything about it. OK, in the nature...

Poo Sticks

Crapping out We think we’re oh-so-civilised, us mostly-whitey, ‘Western’, ‘democratic’ citizens. Looky here: we got moolah (a.k.a. debts), tellyvision, cheap flights to the under-world, gadgets-a-plenty, kumquats and sushi, unarranged...

Brusselology: Part the First (of many)

A tale of two cities In case you’re expecting a feather-spitting rant about the Evil Empire – wrong place dude. This is just the opening salve/salvo about the iniquities and iquities of living in the capital of Belgium Land. Otherwise known as the City of...

An end to all wars. Maybe.

It’s the little things… Whatever an aeon is, people have been wondering why there are so many wars for lots of them (aeons, that is). It’s a topic that has been discussed to within an inch (2,4 cm for my contimental readers) of its life (and death)....


Unsporting behaviour When the mighty IOC granted Plucky Little London permission to host the 2012 Olympics, I have to admit to experiencing a warm glow of satisfaction. Which later turned out to be brought on by some ‘low level’ racism directed at the...

A Smartarse on Smartphones

There’s a blockage in the data stream Write what you know. OK, that’s a good start… but then, how did all that science fiction get written? And how come this piece of advice doesn’t apply to the spoken word? Or, in pubs, the slurred word?...