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I mean piraƱa.

It is about time that the world came to terms with the ultimate pariah state, instead of playing games with countries where they can’t even build relationships, let alone atomic weapons. I’m talking about a country that quite literally holds the future of mankind in its hands… and is about to let that future fail miserably. It should be the guardian of one of the world’s most important resources, but is allowing it to be replaced with aloe vera super-farms and cow farts.

It’s a place where hundreds of people – including children – are murdered every year by death squads. It is a place where those very death squads are hired from the ranks of the police… who are immune to government prosecution.

Rather than threaten its neighbours with a huge, well-funded, modern army, it’s citizens have instead been infiltrating the civilised world, using their mesmerising rhythmic music to spread their fundamentalist religion – steeped as it is in black magic.

In fact, there are a Brazillion reasons to start sanctions now.